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CHIME Unveils New Health Technology To Improve Access To Health Data

OnZine Articles

ByOnZine Articles

Feb 16, 2022
CHIME Unveils New Health Technology To Improve Access To Health Data

The technology will be focused on providing improved health information access to healthcare executives, with themes such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, clinical care delivery, and patient engagement being addressed.

According to a recent press release given to journalists, the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) recently announced the debut of its new health technology, Digital Health Insights, in an effort to expand health information availability.

To stay up with key advances in healthcare delivery, Digital Health Insights will attempt to give CHIME members the most up-to-date resources on the most critical healthcare challenges. Artificial intelligence and machine learning, clinical care delivery, cybersecurity, digital health leadership and change, patient engagement, and other topics will be covered.

“The launch of DHI this week is the latest CHIME initiative to bring new knowledge resources to even more healthcare industry leaders,” Steve Lieber, CHIME’s chief analytics officer, said in the press release. “Over the coming weeks and months, we will be launching additional tools that will give providers and solution companies insights, survey research data, and analysis from the world of digital health technology.”

According to the press release, health executives who use the Digital Health Insights websites will get weekly access to personalized material.

CHIME also encourages healthcare professionals to participate in the Digital Health Community to continue discussions on hot topics (DHC).

DHC, according to CHIME, provides users with a secure platform in which to share ideas, solutions, and best practices on how healthcare companies may flourish while driving digital transformation. Furthermore, participants of the platform have access to a network of over 84,000 professionals.

Digital Health Insights and its Digital Health will also offer members access to virtual fireside chats webinars, podcasts, exclusive access to articles, white papers, case studies, community network discussion opportunities, and research trend reports, CHIME stated.

CHIME also aspires to assist CHIME members in addressing pressing challenges such as clinician satisfaction and patient care delivery. CHIME teamed with health IT provider DrFirst, according to a statement, to help CIOs and CMIOs handle interoperability concerns within their businesses.

According to the statement, better care cooperation and medication management can help CIOs and CMIOs decrease readmissions, and an in-workflow system can help them avoid clinician burnout.

Both organizations will work together on a number of initiatives to give members podcasts, educational webinars, thought leadership articles, white papers, and focus groups on topics that are important to healthcare professionals, such as lowering readmissions and improving clinician satisfaction.


OnZine Articles

OnZine Articles

OnZine Articles main author - Max Haydon

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